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Jada Brown, Teenage Fashion Designer

by Natalie Franklin

It’s never too early to go after your dreams. Pensacola teenager, Jada Brown, has proven just that. At only 14-years-old, Brown has designed and created her own fashion line.

Brown was born in Nashville, TN, but moved to Pensacola when she was three years old. Her fashion line, Yada Khoom, is still in its infancy. It was created just last year but has quickly grown in a short amount of time. The unique name, “Yada Khoom,” has a special meaning to Brown.

“It’s my name in Hebrew,” Brown explained. “The meaning of ‘Yada’ means ‘to know, be known and deeply respected’.”

Brown has definitely earned respect for her fashion line and her business. She is a self-taught artist with no formal training. Her pure talent sets her clothes apart and elevates her designs.

“I just like to draw,” Brown said.

Brown started drawing as a child, and her natural-born talents have now turned into a small business. Brown’s clothing is now sold online and at The Music Store on North Pace Blvd. in Pensacola. Brown believes that selling in stores is her greatest accomplishment so far, and she’s showing no signs of stopping there. Between its Facebook and Instagram pages, Yada Khoom has over 250 followers.

The funky designs feature hand drawn faces and sketches with bright pops of color and flare. Brown enjoys seeing people buy her clothes. She is constantly working on new designs and perfecting her craft. At this point, some of her favorite designs include two pieces entitled “Queen” and “Khoom Who.”

“Queen” is an especially eclectic piece, featuring a sketch of an exotic woman in a mesmerizing shade of green. “Khoom Who” is a more laid-back design, featuring the logo, Yada Khoom, in various fonts, some cursive and fine and others bulky and bold.

Brown is constantly flexing her creative muscles. Her days are filled with drawing on top of school work and being a teenage girl. She marches to the beat of her own drum when it comes to fashion and designing.

Jada Brown, Teenage Fashion Designer (Yada Khoom)

Khoom Who Hoodie

“I don’t pay attention to fashion like that,” Brown admitted. She does her own thing and creates from her own imagination. Due to modern technology, Brown is able to create her clothing pieces fairly easily.

“I draw it [the design] on a piece of paper, take a picture of it, and put it on my tablet,” Brown explained. “Then I get all the flaws out from there.” Brown then has her drawings uploaded to an app to put it on clothing. The clothing mostly consists of sweatpants, hoodies and t-shirts.

Yada Khoom is artistic, fashion forward streetwear that is sure to look great on anyone. In fact, Brown says that she makes her clothes for everyone.

Brown encourages other young entrepreneurs to keep going and stay focused. Brown’s hard work and love of drawing has certainly paid off.

Her clothing can be bought online at YadaKhoom. com or in stores at The Music Store on North Pace Blvd.

(Queen Hoodie)

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